Juicing a variety of vegetables has gained widespread popularity in the present times. It is particularly common among health enthusiasts looking for a fast and convenient way to boost their nutrient intake. Most people rely on veggie supplements or fresh veggie juices, as both offer the same composition of vitamins and minerals.
Different veggies can be mixed and matched to squeeze multiple vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and antioxidants into your diet. The body absorbs nutrients in a much better way when consumed in the form of juice.[1]
While all fresh raw greens are nutrient-packed and superb for juicing, some stand out from the crowd. Below is a list of the 10 best juicing leafy greens, cherry-picked because of their health benefits and ease of juicing.
Let’s dive right into the best vegetables to juice.
10 Best Greens For Juicing
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Spinach
- Parsley
- Cabbage
- Swiss Chard
- Bok Choy
- Wheatgrass
- Celery
- Green Peas Juice
10 Best Vegetables To Juice
Broccoli is highly nutritious[2] and a perfect choice for juicing. A glass of it promises myriads of health benefits. It is rich in vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E, and K, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and other bioactive compounds that may reduce inflammation.
Apart from these vital nutrients, broccoli juice contains a sulfur compound called sulforaphane,[3] which may help lower blood sugar in those with diabetes. Sulforaphane in this vegetable juice can also prevent the formation of cancer cells.
Broccoli is great blended with pineapple, celery, citrus, orange, and spinach.
Kale, otherwise known as leaf cabbage juice, is popular for its robust medicinal value[4] and potency. This vegetable juice is rich in chlorophyll – a pigment that gives green color to kale and is rich in vitamins, and antioxidants and possesses therapeutic properties. Chlorophyll in kale prevents the body from absorbing carcinogens. It also boosts the red blood cells and detoxes the body effortlessly and effectively.
Other important nutrients present in kale juice are:
- Vitamin A – strengthens immunity and the reproductive system
- Vitamin K – regulates calcium levels in the blood, plays a role in bone metabolism, and prevents bleeding
- Vitamin C – boosts bone and tooth health
- Vitamin B6 – improves mood and reduces symptoms of depression, prevents and treats Alzheimer’s, and promotes brain health
- Manganese – has anti-inflammatory properties and is involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body
- Calcium – helps to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, as well as strengthens bones and nerves
- Copper – prevents osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases
- Potassium – helps regulate muscle contractions and nerve signals and may prevent kidney stones as well as stroke.
Kale juice is great mixed with chard, carrot juice, lemon, spinach, celery, orange, and sweet potato.
Spinach juice is associated with an array of impressive health benefits.[5] Spinach is rich in vitamins and nutrients like folic acid, potassium, carotene, magnesium, and manganese.
It also contains powerful antioxidants such as lutein, coumaric acid, beta carotene, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, and ferulic acid. These antioxidants protect against chronic diseases and oxidative stress and also help in maintaining healthy vision.
Spinach juice is also rich in vitamin A, which may support healthy hair and skin.
Spinach juice is rich in naturally occurring nitrates, healthy substances that may help in reducing high blood pressure and improving blood flow. Besides helping reduce blood pressure, spinach also contains a compound called monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG)[6} that may improve the effectiveness of radiation therapy in eliminating pancreatic cancer cells.
Spinach juice pairs well with apple, beet juice, ginger, lemon, kale, lime, orange, and tomato juice.
Parsley juice is particularly rich in vitamin K[7] which boosts bone health and aids in blood clotting. It is also rich in antioxidants that aid in fighting against inflammation.
Parsley juice may help stimulate the appetite, boost digestion, and enhance menstrual flow. Parsley juice is also rich in iron which has a role in maintaining healthy blood vessels.
The flavonoid luteolin present[8] in parsley juice has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. The versatile green herb also contains powerful oils such as myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene that may help decrease the risk of lung tumors.
Parsley juice pairs well with cucumbers, apples, and lemon, cucumber, and apple.
Cabbage juice has a slightly sweet earthy taste and is rich in several essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C. Other nutrients present in cabbage juice are fiber, folate, potassium, and magnesium.
Health benefits of cabbage juice include[9] weight loss, alleviating inflammation, improved gut health and hormonal imbalance, and body detoxification.
Cabbage juice is particularly beneficial for people suffering from a stomach condition called Roemheld syndrome. It is a group of gastro-cardiac symptoms that trigger tachycardia (rapid heart rate), and arrhythmia (heart palpitations).
Swiss Chard
Swiss Chard juice provides only 35 calories, yet it is a nutritional powerhouse.[10]
Swiss chard is an excellent source of vitamins A, K, and vitamin C, and calcium, and a good source of magnesium, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber. It provides more than 300% of the daily value of vitamin K.
Additional health benefits of Swiss chard juice include:
- Packed with disease-fighting antioxidants
- Boosts heart health
- Loaded with fiber
- May reduce insulin resistance and regulate blood sugar
- May promote weight loss
Swiss Chard tastes great with cucumber, apple, beet, ginger, lemon, orange, carrot, kale, lime, and tomato.
Bok Choy
Juicing bok choy yields a beverage rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate, calcium, and potassium. It is packed with antioxidants that safeguard[11] your cells from free radicals, and harmful chemicals present in our environment.
The glucosinolates (a large group of plant secondary metabolites with nutritional effects) in bok choy are associated with reduced cancer risk. Bok Choy is also a rich source of the mineral selenium, which aids in ridding the body of cancer-causing compounds.
The selenium in Bok Choy juice reduces tumor growth rates, prevents inflammation, and improves immune response to infection. It can stimulate the release of T-cells, which are cells that help to keep harmful bacteria and viruses at a distance.
To get a winning combo every time, push the entire stalk of bok choy through the machine and boost the flavor with a bit of green apple, ginger, and lemon. What you’ll have is delicious and energizing green juice.
Wheatgrass is another leafy green vegetable often used for juicing and offers a concentrated amount of nutrients[12] – amino acids (protein-building blocks) iron, vitamins A, vitamin C, and E, calcium, magnesium, and chlorophyll. Its juice is also rich in nutrients that may boost immunity, eliminate harmful bacteria in the gut, and rid the body of waste.
Flavonoids, beneficial plant compounds present in wheatgrass, can help fight the harmful effects of free radicals and reduce inflammation.
Wheatgrass could also help support mindful eating and exercise since it is rich in proteins and antioxidants thought to boost energy and metabolism. Drinking wheatgrass juice detoxifies your system because of the chlorophyll content in it, helping to support healthy digestion.
Blend your raw, organic wheatgrass juice with lemon, oranges, and ginger and turbo-charge its health benefits.
Having celery juice once a day heals and activates the gut transforms your health, and supports digestion. The healthy plant chemicals called phytochemicals extracted from celery have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties.
The nutrients present in celery juice include vitamins A, C & K, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, biotin, folate, and other B vitamins, and antioxidants.
Health benefits offered by this juice include helping to counteract acidosis (a build-up of acid in the bloodstream), purifying the blood contaminated with harmful chemicals, reducing migraines, alleviating high blood pressure, relaxing the nerves, and supporting healthy skin.
Drink celery juice is relatively less sweet in comparison to other veggie juices, which can help decrease your overall daily sugar and calorie intake.
Green Peas Juice
Green pea juice is packed with heaps of essential vitamins and minerals,[13] including
- Iron – which allows red blood cells (RBC’s) to carry oxygen, combat fatigue, and provide strength
- Polyphenolics have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activity
- Vitamin C, E, Zinc, and antioxidants – to boost immunity
- Potassium – that helps nerves and muscles function properly
- Carotenoid pigment lutein – to boost eyesight
- Insoluble fiber – to boost heart, muscle, and nerve health and ensure stable blood sugar regulation in the body
These peas produce nutritious vegetables and mellow-tasting juice. To enhance the taste, mix the green pea juice with fruit and vegetables full of strong flavors leek, onion, asparagus, garlic, and lemons to make healthy vegetable juices.
Final Takeaway
Health enthusiasts are continuously looking for more ways to bump up their nutrition and sneak more nutrients into their meals. Vegetables are an important part of the diet that many of us don’t get enough of.
One common healthy food trend involves all-natural, unsweetened vegetable juicing to help supplement the diet. It’s a fun, convenient, quick, and tasty way to pack heaps of powerful nutrients to remain satiated throughout the day.
Vegetable juices are particularly beneficial to people who do not like to take veggie supplements or find it difficult to include the recommended number of servings of vegetables into their diet each day. Natural juicing also has a winning edge over consuming supplements in the form of green powders – the reason being supplements contain added fillers and additives that you don’t need, or that you don’t know how much you’re getting.
A glass of juice vegetables keeps you hydrated and full throughout the day. Make juicing enticing by mixing vegetables and lifting the flavor by adding ingredients such as lemon, lime, pepper, and ginger.
Now go ahead and craft your delicious and nutritious veggie juice concoction to reap the health benefits.
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