There are so many diets out there it is hard to know what foods you should eat and what foods you should avoid. A common diet recommendation is to eat a low-carb diet. But do low-carb diets really work? Do carbs make you fat?
There are many different ways to eat carbs, as they can be obtained through many foods and even some supplements. Keep reading to learn more about carbohydrates and what they do for your body.
Do Carbs Make You Gain Weight?
No, carbohydrates are not responsible for your weight gain.
- Overconsumption of calories from carbs, protein, or fat can lead to weight gain.
- Overeating foods high in refined carbs can lead to weight gain.
- Eating complex carbs from whole foods is part of a balanced diet.
What Are Carbs?
Carbohydrates are macronutrients[1] and are essential for good health. Fat and protein are the other main macronutrients we must eat for optimal health. All macronutrients provide energy for our bodies in the form of calories.
For the general population, it is recommended that adults consume the following percentage of macronutrients based on their total calories per day:
- 45%- 65 % Carbohydrates
- 10% – 35 % Protein
- 20% – 35 % Fat
It is important to ensure you consume adequate amounts of each macronutrient daily because all macronutrients offer specific benefits for our health. The ranges are determined by activity, age, and dietary needs. For example, a higher percentage of protein is required for athletes and aging adults.
Are There Different Types of Carbs
Carbohydrates[2] can be broken down into sugars, starches, and dietary fiber.
Sugars can occur naturally in fruits and dairy products or may be added to foods during processing to enhance sweetness and flavor.
Starches can be found in vegetables, legumes, and grains. Most starches will break down into sugars during digestion.
Fiber can also be found in vegetables, legumes, grains, and fruits. However, it is not broken down into sugars during digestion.
Carbs are important as they provide our bodies with glucose, which is our preferred energy source.
The Dietary Reference Intakes, which have not been updated for carbohydrates since 2002, recommended healthy adults eat at least 130 grams[3] of carbohydrates per day to supply the brain with enough glucose to function properly.
Can I Eat A Low-Carb Diet?
But do you always have to eat the minimum amount of carbs recommended?
A popular ketogenic diet involves eating a very low carbohydrate diet, meaning you consume 20 – 50 grams of carbohydrates daily or less than the recommended 130 grams daily. Eating a maximum of 50 grams of carbs daily depletes glycogen stores and induces ketosis, which is when your body burns its fat cells for energy.
While some people are low-carb enthusiasts, and others claim that eating a low-carb diet is not good for you, there is no solid evidence at this time as to what is actually true.
Research has shown following a ketogenic diet can improve high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, blood pressure, and glycosylated hemoglobin[4] in the first six to twelve months; after twelve months, those changes are no longer seen.
Excess Calories, Not Carbs Make You Gain Weight
Consuming excess calories[5] that exceed your daily energy expenditure can cause weight gain. This means consuming any macronutrient in excess can lead to weight gain.
So, while consuming a diet too high in carbohydrates could lead to weight gain, there is no strong evidence that carbs are the culprit.
Does this mean it is not true that carbs make you fat?
Why Do Carbs Make You Fat?
If you consume appropriate amounts of carbohydrates[6] and focus on healthy whole foods, carbs will not make you fat.
Eating carbs can lead to surplus calories, leading to fat gain. This is because excess calories are turned into fat storage.
Consuming too many calories from carbs is most likely to occur if you eat many ultra-processed foods high in added sugars and refined starchy carbs and have little to no fiber. This overconsumption may also lead to a rise in blood sugar.
Processed foods are also often high in fat, which can also lead to an increased caloric intake.
To lose body fat and maintain a healthy diet, avoiding refined carbohydrates and eating fewer calories by consuming nutrient-dense carbs is best. Ultimately, overeating calories is what causes people to gain body fat.
This was demonstrated in a 2019 study where limiting the consumption of ultra-processed foods resulted in weight loss.[7]
How Carbs Impact Your Weight
You may be wondering, If excessive calories cause weight gain, then is a high-carb and low-fat diet or a low-carb and high-fat diet best? Can carbs make you fat if you eat the wrong diet?
Overall, there is no strong evidence that consuming a high-fat diet that is low in carbohydrates is any better at resulting in weight loss[6] than a reduction of total caloric intake.
A 2014 study investigated the impact of a low-carb diet versus a reduced calorie intake based on a balanced diet and found there was no difference in short-term fat loss.[8]
Another 2014 article reported that while sugar-sweetened beverages are high in fructose, a simple sugar, there is not enough evidence to state the metabolic effects of fructose[9] cause obesity.
This reinforces the importance of not eating excess carbs in conjunction with excess calories.
Healthy Carbs Good For Weight Loss
Are there carbs for weight loss? Optimal carb intake for healthy weight reduction can be achieved by focusing on whole foods and limiting foods high in refined starchy carbs and added sugars.
The 2022 – 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is a great resource that explains what a healthy diet looks like[10] and what foods individuals should try to include in their diet.
Consuming whole grains, non-starchy vegetables and starchy vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and whole fruits is recommended. These are all foods that are full of healthy complex carbs.
Eating a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and restricting carbs high in added sugars and refined starches is essential to losing weight.
Of course, we will all enjoy foods with refined carbs, such as chips or ice cream, occasionally, but the key is to avoid overeating carbs from non-nutrient-dense foods. Moderation is key, so go ahead and eat carbohydrates.
How To Eat Carbs Without Gaining Weight
There are many ways to incorporate healthy carbs into your diet. While some low-carb meal plan services are available, below are some meal and snack ideas you could try.
- Eat whole grain toast for breakfast and use whole grain bread for sandwiches.
- Have oatmeal with raspberries for breakfast.
- Try making a stir fry with whole-grain brown rice or wild rice.
- Include vegetables at every meal, such as squash, broccoli, or peas.
- Choose to eat whole fruits over drinking fruit juices.
- Try eating legumes and lentils as a way to get fiber and plant-based proteins.
- Replace the paste in your favorite pasta dish with a whole grain high, fiber pasta.
Remember, it is important to have fruits and vegetables at every meal. All fruits and vegetables, whether fresh, frozen, or canned, provide good nutrition.
Final Thought
Losing body weight can be challenging, so be sure to take your time and set realistic goals. Consuming adequate carbohydrates and adequate amounts of fat and protein is important for optimal health and lose weight.
While many low-carb advocates are out there, there is no need to eat cut-out carbs to lose fat. More carbs do not necessarily mean weight gain. Rather, eat more carbohydrates from whole foods and focus on eating balanced meals with only enough calories to meet your daily needs.
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